The Bodies Are Buried at the monOrchid

PHOENIX -- In March 2012 Arizona Highways magazine asked freelance photographer Mark Lipczynski to embark on a journey documenting cemeteries in all 15 counties in the state for a feature story in the October 2012 issue. Lipczynski travelled 2,676 miles in six weeks through the dusty desert to capture the portfolio titled Where the Bodies Are Buried. This Halloween season the monOrchid will feature an exhibition of the images Lipczynski captured during his exploration, on display in the monOrchid gallery October 18 – Nov 30, 2013.
Where the Bodies Are Buried features large format prints from the portfolio and interactive features that link the imagery and behind the scenes content. QR tags will link to web based media—photos of Mark on the road, maps, and an audio interview between Lipczynski and Tucson NPR reporter Mark Duggan about the photographer’s experiences on the expedition.
Keeping with the theme of the season The Movement Source Dance Company Presents, The Danse Macabre, within the monOrchid gallery during Lipczynski’s exhibition, October 26 & 27. Movement Source ( invites audiences to experience an unsettling evening of Music, Movement and Illusion. A ghastly collaboration unlike any Halloween show experienced by valley audiences. The Danse Macabre explores the dark beauty of the undead with live music, dance and illusion; featuring provocative illusionist, Creepy John and the haunting violin virtuoso, Tobie Milford. Not your typical Halloween experience.
The monOrchid is located in the heart of the downtown Phoenix arts district at 214 E Roosevelt St. Originally a Del Webb warehouse constructed in 1937, thirteen years of renovation and invention have morphed the 14,000 square foot building into a unique space for creativity, celebration, and culture.
For more information about the exhibitions or events please visit or contact the curator, Justin Germain, at

  • Issue by:monorchid, llc
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  • City:Phoenix - Arizona - United States
  • Telephone:6022530339
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