Paris Paranormal Crash -video of witness Testimony from morgue technician confirms Body Tampering

SOHO, U.K. - April 21, 2020 - The evidence in question is a video testimony recorded by Colin Z Hall, the man who initially investigated reports into the M6 and Paris Paranormal Crashes written by the freelance reporter Mark Collins.

Colin granted permission to publish a Skype call he recorded with one of the key witnesses he interviewed about the events that took place in the morgue at the Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital in Paris. By agreeing to this Colin felt that people could get an understanding of the depth of evidence ZWT Jameson had at his disposal whilst researching the book.

This witness testimony details the many anomalies associated with the condition of the bodies brought in to the morgue at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris after the crash in near the Eiffel Tower. Allegations include a lack of physical evidence to suggest the victims died in the crash and that they were heavily sedated, which in her opinion, rendered them incapable of driving the vehicles they were discovered in. The witness also details the break in to the mortuary that took place and how the perpetrator set about trying to tamper with the victims of the crash.

This witness testimony does appear to corroborate earlier reports by Mark Collins.

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When the initial reports into the M6 Paranormal Crash and Paris Paranormal Crash first surfaced a few years ago many were skeptical and questioned the validity and authenticity of those reports.

Mark Collins reported that in Paris someone broke into the morgue at the Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital to tamper with the bodies from the crash, while it was alleged that CCTV footage would hold clues as to what may have happened to the victims from the crash on the M6; this footage was never uncovered or revealed to the public.

But whilst the reports stopped, ZWT Jameson persevered. What he uncovered was testimony talking of time travel, of people being sent back to our time to locate key compounds for a vaccine to help protect the population of the future from a deadly virus, and of allegations citing that First Contact happened in 2009 and was being covered up and hidden on board the International Space Station.

The witness interview video can be viewed here:

Larry Hobson

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