Scott Says Greed Materialism Destroys American Thanks Giving Holiday Season

i hope that you enjoyed the traditional get together with your immediate family and friends. if so its what the thankgiving holiday is suppose to be about. instead many brain washed people around the country, some of them lined up for hours like little stupid sheeps standing in long lines. to what would be termed as a mad rush saving i decided to take a visit to a few of these stores, to observe this madness. people knocking each other down in a rush and screaming profanity at each other One women that i know personally even went so far to stay in her parked car for several hours to get a so called deal, from some of these corporate parasites.I took a look at some of the posted items placed on a list describing these so call deals all the person had to do was recieve a ticket from the store management and be in line i was so amazed that the store only listed a few items.that in itself was out right deciet and entrapment by these stores you see even though you might not get the items that you came for the fact is that you are there means that you will purcahse something else from the store they already is aware of this as a true fact related to you as the desperate must ask themselves is it worth your life or being seriously being hurt by some crazed nut out there i think not. a vast majority of these stores who have full time employees was schedule to work at these stores on the thanksgiving holiday corporate management made sure that they would schedule the full time employees to work split shifts in order to keep from paying them for overtime wages, all in the name of corporate profits.this trend will continue to become the norm here in the good old usa, until the people wake up realizes and except the plain facts that they are being used by these greedy wolves dressed in a sheeps clothing. am i anti business hell know however i dont appreciate taking a traditional american holiday and turning it toward corportae big business who dont realy care a rats ass about you are your immediate family for example big business complains that the new health care law will be a job killer.just look around you throughout this recession the stock markets are doing just fine however its not trickling down to main street average joe blow the very well off and powerful is agianst the new health care law which was inacted and designed to help the working poor and middle class just for one moment what if you are a close family members gets sick and dont have insurance the place to go is to the emergency rooms for your immediate health needs.its a total mess when you get the bill its out of left field to say the least. no matter how much misinformation thats being circulated about the new health care law ask yourselves why is it that big business and the huge insurance companies are hell bent on fighting and destroying the law its simply because its keeping them from screwing the average main street americans from securing afforable health care for there families They want to return back to the past which will continue to fill there greedy pockets at the expense of those that really cant afford the current sky rocketed health cost associated with a family member sudden illness they will throw you under the bus period.the choice is yours to make however before you a make a decision concerning the new health care law find out for yourself dont let other people make that decision for you you and your family. there lives may depend on your choice .thanks for reading my scott says blog more to come !!!!

moody scott

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