Danny Felix & Matt Hunter release "Malas Decisiones"

LOS ANGELES - Dec. 17, 2020 - DANNY FÉLIX, the musical genius behind the Corrido Tumbado genre, releases worldwide his latest single "MALAS DECISIONES" joined by his accomplice MATT HUNTER, currently one of the most recognized and dynamic singer-songwriters in Latin urban music and recognized by the new generation. Together they release "MALAS DECISIONES."

DANNY FÉLIX has become the leader of the new musical style trap corridos ("corridos tumbados"), composing through the lens of traditional corridos and incorporating elements of hip hop, resulting in "MALAS DECISIONES" a song that fuses the sounds of "corridos tumbados" with an urban/latin-pop beat by MATT HUNTER.

"MALAS DECISIONES" is the fifth single off the upcoming album 'Vuelve,' which will be available on January 29, 2021. The album will include 12 songs ranging from "corridos tumbados" to romantic songs all written by Félix himself. It was recorded and produced in Phoenix, Arizona at Félix's own studio.

First a producer, composer, arranger and now a solo artist himself, DANNY FÉLIX looks forward to defending his unique style just as he did in 2020 with multiple songs that the audience immediately embraced, such as "Impala Tumbado," "Tiran Tierra," "Zombie," and "La F*****g Ola" feat. Abraham Vasquez; thus solidifying its original and unmistakable style. Just recently, Félix was named "Artist to Watch in 2021" by Pandora.

Born in the Mexican state of Sinaloa, DANNY FÉLIX discovered at a young age that he was born to be a composer and became a singer-songwriter, producer and the creator of the popular new style of "corridos tumbados."

Mariluz Gonzalez

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