MDCSystems Drone Inspections Services Division Takes Flight

PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release Contact: Sandy Januzelli 610-640-9600 ext 11

May 20th, 2016| Paoli, PA - Much of the forensic engineering MDCSystems does is construction related. Many times this involves investigation and evaluation of different buildings, structures and land. This can often be a time and labor intensive task. With the use of drones these tasks, which in the past took renting expensive equipment for days if not weeks and had significant man hour allocations, can now now can be done with a much smaller crew and a properly equipped aircraft in a fraction of the time. Bridge Inspections, cell tower inspections, roof inspections and construction progress reporting are just a few of the tasks that can be made easier using drones.

Bob McCue, President of MDCSystems right away saw the value of implementing a program using drones. He recognized it as the next technological evolution of inspection services. MDCSystems is currently working with FlexRight Solutions to train members of its staff to be FAA approved to provide drone operations by the summer of 2016. [FlexRight Solutions]( is a FAA approved drone training and consulting organization based in Ft. Washington PA.

MDCSystems will soon add a DJI Phantom 3 Advanced drone model and imaging package to the company€™s inspection tools. Engineering evaluations using these drones offer real-time observations and the added benefit of a video record of the observed conditions for assessments, maintenance planning, work progress evaluations and scheduling. To explore these new capabilities call MDCSystems at (01) 610.640.9600 or reach them on-line at for additional information.

MDCSystems is a forensic engineering, architecture and project management consulting firm located in Paoli Pennsylvania (PA). They specialize in the areas of construction claims litigation support, critical path method (CPM ) schedule analysis, energy and sustainability analyses just to name a few. MDCSystems professionals have an average of over 30 years of hands-on national and international design, construction and project management experience and have proven themselves in many venues such as International Arbitrations, Federal and State Courts, Court of Claims, Board of Contract Appeals, arbitrations and mediations.

  • Issue by:Guy Dunn Instant Seo plan
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