A Fresh Spin on Activism & The Arts: The Neighborhood's New Series #TAG is Entertaining and Smart

Born New Year's Day 2013, The Neighborhood - formerly known as Kendall F. Person, thepublicblogger - has always emphasized the power of the collaborative arts. With the new series #TAG, creator Kendall F. Person's vision of producing original, thought-provoking shows within the blogging format, will come to pass, in a sophisticated puzzle involving 13 artists from a wide spectrum of genres.

To demonstrate the respect and rising popularity of The Neighborhood's editorial & literary content, as well as, its ongoing contribution from a world wide roster of talented underground artists: it took only two hours to fill the roster, attracting a video animator, writers and recording & visual artists; including the brilliant illustrator James D. Foster of Bullhead City Arizona, whose stunning win of 'The Lives We Live' A Reality Show, temporarily set Facebook buzzing.

Authority and Leadership are the topics, specifically in relationship to the high-profile breakdowns in communication between Law Enforcement and the communities they serve in recent high-profile occurrences in places like McKinney Texas, Baltimore Maryland and Ferguson Missouri, to name only a few. "If Tag is successful", Person remarks "a positive, progressive dialogue should be forged, with committments to zero-in on the challenges and locate the solutions. We have missed so many opportunities, but it is up to all of us to contribute. It is the only way for any plan to work."

The Neighborhood has been stellar in shining its brightest light on controversial topics, without offense nor apology. But Person also understands, that The Neighborhood has become an online destination for entertainment, and with TAG's passing of the baton, the entertaining should be non stop.

On September 1, Kendall F. Person and Artistic Photographer Robert M. Goldstein will take the lead, publishing a written and visual expression of Authority & Leadership. Person will then 'tag' another artist - of a different genre - who has 24 hours to contribute to the story/conversation via song, short film/video or visual interpretation - before tagging out or be 'frozen'. And around it goes, from artist to writer to animator to poet, all trying to make a difference within the disclipine of their craft.

Interactive, intriguing, noble and an international collaboration. #TAG has the ability to spark real conversation in so many ways. And while Person's imagination and talent has already revolutionized the entire blogging concept, #TAG runs the very real risks of audience retention and even too many frozen artists. But thepublicblogger has made its name on walking the high-wire, and they do so without a net.

#TAG begins September 1st. Only in The Neighborhood @ thepublicblogger(dot)com

Arnel Q. Fernandez
(510) 320-3174

  • Issue by:The Neighborhood @ thepublicblogger.com
  • Web:http://
  • City:Sacramento - California - United States
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