Wisconsin State Senators Lazich and Taylor Shift Women's Health Forward

MILWAUKEE -- Half the female population suffers in silence with pelvic organ prolapse. Association for Pelvic Organ Prolapse Support (APOPS) Founder Sherrie Palm, Wisconsin State Senator Lena Taylor, and Milwaukee County Supervisor Deanna Alexander delivering a message on behalf of Wisconsin State Senator Mary Lazich, will share pelvic organ prolapse insights and health care policy at APOPS STIGMA*STRIDE Walkathon taking place in Greenfield Park on June 14, 2015.

It is estimated that half the female population silently suffers with pelvic organ prolapse (POP) symptoms such as incontinence, constipation, tissue bulge, and painful intimacy. Childbirth and menopause are the most common POP causal factors, yet no standardized screening protocol exists during routine pelvic exams. Discovery upon diagnosis is the norm for most women experiencing this common, cryptic condition. Patient and practitioner misconceptions abound. The stigma of embarrassing symptoms has kept POP shrouded in silence despite medical records dating back 4000 years to the Kahun Papyrus. There is significant need for healthcare, industry, academia, and legislature to address lack of POP awareness and healthcare policy to generate forward momentum regarding the biggest secret in women's health. Wisconsin Senate Joint Resolution 71 is a significant step forward to address the next big shift in women's health directives.

Presentations will begin at 11:00AM; the walk to follow presentations. In the event of rain, under roof presentations will be followed with a POP info share/Q&A presentation. More information is available at:


Sherrie Palm

  • Issue by:Association for Pelvic Organ Prolapse Support
  • Web:http://
  • City:Milwaukee - Wisconsin - United States
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