VASER Hi Def and Mid Def— ultrasound body sculpting to define musculature

LONDON, U.K. -- Them who aspire to have defined abs, six packs, gym toned abs, are usually males, with thick fatty skin and muscle tone, that needs the equipment as definitive, as VASER Hi Def. VASER Mid Def, meanwhile was later devised, aiming for women who wished to have a muscular definition, that is something more than just cutting down unwanted fat, but not as high defining as with VASER Mid Def; thus offering a soft but toned appearance.

Both the techniques are minimally invasive procedures that remove stubborn fat efficiently with ultrasound technology, which helps to gently contour the body areas as well as enhance muscle appearance.

Areas like abdomen, chest, hips, love handle (flanks), waist, back; gynecomastia; male chest and thorax, arms, legs; knee and ankle; so technically all areas of the body can be treated.

There are no differences in the equipments other than the frequency and intensity of grooves applied to achieve different definitions of muscle that is high or soft/medium, in addition to the fat removal.

Both the mechanisms are ideal to cut down the smaller deposits of fat. VASER Hi Def liposuction can create abdominal six-pack, boxers muscle and highlighting external muscle. The highly desired “V” shaped physique with six-packs and well toned broad chest can be obtained.

Whereas, VASER Mid Def helps to remove superficial fat from body and define it. Women can flatten their abdomen, slim out their waist and can have fuller hips.

Difference between VASER Hi/Mid Def and traditional liposuction

There is not much difference other than the fact that hi def and mid def cannulas are better used to groove the skin and define musculature. Other than that, standard VASER Liposuction, and the high definition mechanisms are both performed under local anaesthesia; and uses ultrasound to emulsify fat.


Local tumescent anesthesia is injected subcutaneously to wet the operative areas as well as make it rigid and expanded to avoid excess blood loss. Once the local anesthesia starts working, it numbs the site and shrinks the blood vessels. Vaser probe is inserted into fat to break it down. Finally the liquefied fat is drain out through a special process.


While ultrasound vaser lipo ( has some convenient benefits over the traditional process, it has drawbacks too. Patients might feel some swelling or bruising immediately after the procedure. As it is a extensive body contouring tool, sometimes it might leave multiple scars in the incision site.

Numbness in the treated zones for an extended period are normal as an effect of the anaesthesia. As the anaesthesia wears off, and nerve cells start regenerating, feeling and sensation will be as normal. Developing seroma or inflammation is also common risk with this procedure. But usually all risk factors are minimal, and temporary.

VASER Liposuction Cost in London

Vaser liposuction cost starts from £2,600 and goes to £6,000 depending on size and number of the area will be treated. This cost includes doctor fees, theater fee and follow up cares. VASER Hi Def cost is little higher than VASER liposuction cost due to extra working and after care is needed.

Harley Body Clinic

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