AMAC: New technology instantly turns cop’s gun into a stun gun

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A new device that quickly turns a police officer’s lethal pistol into a stun gun has been developed by Alternative Ballistics LP of San Diego, the Association of Mature American Citizens reports.

AMAC president Dan Weber said the new technology is already being tested by law enforcement organizations in the U.S. and South Africa as a means of providing cops with “an option” when confronting a violent situation.

“An officer can choose to convert his standard issue weapon into what the company calls ‘a blunt force impact device’ in an instant.”

The company calls the technology The AlternativeTM and said that by employing its “bullet capture technology in appropriate situations police are likely to prevent loss of life to the public at large in a way that was – until now – not possible.”

The device is snapped onto the officers weapon and when the weapon is fired, the bullet propels a heavy ball knocking an assailant down when hit.

The Dallas-based research firm, MarketsandMarkets, recently issued a new report indicating that: “The inclination of the law enforcement agencies towards buying more non-lethal weapons in order to maintain the safety and security of public and property is projected to contribute to the growth of the Non-Lethal Weapons Market, globally.”

Weber said the new technology gives police a “more powerful weapon than Tasers and chemical sprays, while allowing them to defend themselves without using lethal force.

The Association of Mature American Citizens [] is a vibrant, vital and conservative alternative to those organizations, such as AARP, that dominate the choices for mature Americans who want a say in the future of the nation. Where those other organizations may boast of their power to set the agendas for their memberships, AMAC takes its marching orders from its members. We act and speak on their behalf, protecting their interests, and offering a conservative insight on how to best solve the problems they face today. Live long and make a difference by joining us today at

John Grimaldi Conslting

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  • City:Washington - District of Columbia - United States
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