Number One Bestseller Reusable Baby Food Pouch Offers Free e-book and 3-for-2 Deal

Wellington, New Zealand – Today SquishDelish announced it has reached Number One Hot New Bestseller in Amazon’s Baby Food Storage category with its five pack of reusable baby food pouches.

SquishDelish reusable baby food pouches make cooking, storing and transporting baby and toddler food easy. Cooking at home enables parents to save a lot of money on bought baby food pouches, which are hugely popular for their convenience but at over $2 each, become an very costly option. The reusable pouches enable convenient carrying of snacks and meals with no mess, fuss or wastage.

Marketing Manager Sophie Porter noted “We are delighted with the response from customers. A lot of effort went into the design so they are appealing food carriers, easy to clean with the wide top opening and easy to fill. Some other designs with a corner spout are really hard to clean, and the ones that have a bottom opening don’t stand up on a bench when you fill them. We decided this designs was the best for parents and children and it seems that they agree”.

Another benefit of resqueezable baby food pouches is parents can start healthy eating habits from the day their little ones start eating solids. With watered down baby food, added sugar or salt it is hard for parents to know exactly what their children are eating with bought baby food pouches. Good food habits start early and by cooking at home children can appreciate fresh, wholesome flavours and learn to love good food. Refillable baby food pouches are also an excellent way to up the dose of fruit and vegetables, and several smoothie recipes are given for healthy, convenient snacks. They are an easy way to keep little ones hydrated in the summer and are low-mess options for car trips.

The pouches can be frozen and even go in the dishwasher. They are very popular as lunchbox fillers, with purees, smoothies or other pureed snacks.

SquishDelish supplies a free e-book with their 5 pouch pack, and a 3-for-2 deal currently running makes these a very cost effective way to stock up on a supply of premium quality baby food pouches.

The pouches can be bought online at

SquishDelish is the premium brand of reusable baby food pouches so families can eat fresh, healthy, homemade food on the go with maximum convenience and minimum cost. SquishDelish reusable baby food pouches come in a five-pack of 6 oz pouches, making them large enough for infants, children or grown-ups.

Sophie Porter, Marketing Manager
0064 21 549179
Wellington, New Zealand

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