Rebel Ink Press is Proud to Announce their September 17th Releases

Please join Rebel Ink Press in congratulating the following authors for their achievement:

Steele Clips – a compromising position by Lila Munro

Sin City - Deception (Book One) by Cassandre Dayne

Elizabeth’s Revenge by Helen Ogrodnick

Candi’s Buck by Jane Wakely

Nikki’s Day by Nick Santa Rosa

Reckless Radiance by Kate Roth

Phoenix Reborn by Eden Glenn

On Sale September 16th – 18th at Amazon for $.99 - Private Pirouette by Lila Munro

Watch for more coming in October and all throughout the year

Our authors new works can be purchased at the following e-book retail outlets:, Barnes &, Kobo, iBooks and Our writers specialize in bringing you cutting edge romance on every heat level. Take a moment and enjoy their spirit.

For more information about these up and coming stars, please find them at:

Don’t forget to visit Rebel Reasoning on the Rebel Ink Press website for excerpts from the authors, fun information, contact information and direct connections to their blogs and websites as well. Take a peek at what the talented team is up to every week.

Rebel Ink Press is a full service e-publisher of cutting edge romance novels and wehave an open submission policy which means you don't need an agent to submit your work. We prefer stories that feature happily-ever-after endings, or at least a HFN. For more about Rebel Ink Press, please find us at:

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