Top 10 most decorative painting ideas

BRISBANE, Australia -- wallpaper
Wallpaper is back! I'm not talking of the days of whole houses wallpapered with a tacky repetitive pattern of a jungle scenes and half naked ladies. Wallpaper has a fresh now look and comes in many different patterns and textures. adding wallpaper to a wall or two can bring warmth, vibrancy or just plain ol' in ya face WOW factor.
Although it is tempting to do many different patterns or papers throughout the house just pick one paper and repeat it gently in a few of the rooms in the house, changing up the paint colour to define the room.
feature wall
Using an accent colour to define a space is a great idea! This way in an open plan area that may be comprised of many spaces, kitchen/living room/dinning room, you can paint a feature wall the help break up the majority wall colour.
faux finish
Faux (french for fake) finishes are BIG in Europe and are often used to give an old world or lived in feel. You have to be careful where you use faux finishes as if you put them in the wrong place it can look out of place.
Rag rolling
Rag rolling is simple and is done exactly the way its name suggests, with a rag. You basically put down a base colour then choose a tint or shade of that base colour and apply by either putting the paint on the surface and ragging of or the other way around.
Suede is a very subtle effect but often looks best when done in a dark colour. It is simple applied by brush and comes premixed. When dry it gives a soft warm that mimics the fabric suede.

More on the outrageous side of decorative finishes is the metallic paint. These walls give instant wow factor and are best utilized in light vibrant rooms to allow the paint to pick up the light and shade.

Timber finishes
Timber finishes are the grand daddy of finishes. Timber is used to convey grandeur and definitely will enrich any space. Timber finishes are hard to come by these days as timber is expensive and hard to restore once painted.

Matching pallets
One thing that many people miss is the colour pallet. The importance is to pick colours that are complementary or are of the same colour only a shade darker or tint lighter. If you pick two colours that are very similar they will clash and it will just look like you ran out of one colour and couldnt remember the colour when you had to get more.

Sponging give a coarse texture however still maintains is delicate feel. When sponging attention must be giving to not create and direction with the effect, you want it to look random and natural.

Stencils can be alot of fun! You can create anything you like and it is relatively cheap and easy to do. you can achieve the look of wallpaper with out the cost and time.

Ochre Painting ( | Brisbane House Painters | Making houses into homes

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