8 Sided Films Announces Release of Sci-Fi Comedy Webseries SASSxACCELERATION

NORTH HOLLYWOOD, Calif. -- 8 Sided Films announces the premiere of anticipated webseries "SASSxACCELERATION", starring Tybee Diskin and Danielle K. Jones, through the company's social media community on http://8SidedForum.com on July 26, 2013. Featuring characters from the upcoming feature film Quantum Theory, "SASSxACCELERATION" is a mocumentary college podcast in which future mad scientists Chelsea Barrington and Gertrude Monroe debate and debunk the science of pop culture and modern mythology. Writer/director Tennyson E. Stead explains that "This is a chance to bring the characters of Chelsea and Roe to our audience, and to give people a feel for what makes Quantum Theory work."

Quantum Theory is the story of Chelsea and Roe, two brilliant, snarky women of science who develop a prototype with the power to alter reality... until it’s snatched from under them by LDI, a ruthless and powerful defense contractor. "What makes this film special, in the end, is a great cast and a great script," explains Stead. "In 'SASSxACCELERATION', we meet Chelsea and Roe before they get all their cool sci-fi sets and props. The strength of this movie has always been in the performances, and this is our chance to prove it."

Diskin is now starring in Wayside Creations' fan-favorite webseries "Fallout: Nuka Break", as well as appearing in "Aperature R&D" from Machinima. Jones currently performs in Nancy Keystone's Los Angeles production of "Alcestis", now on stage at the Boston Court Performing Arts Center in Pasadena. Stead is the award-winning writer/director of science-fiction webseries “The Starmind Record”, as well as the writer and director of Quantum Theory and the recently announced science-fiction drama feature Man and Machine.

"SASSxACCELERATION" premieres on July 26, at http://8SidedForum.com.

  • Issue by:8 Sided Films
  • Web:http://
  • City:North Hollywood - California - United States
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