大学英语词汇短语释义解析及例句 collateral ligament

大学英语词汇短语释义解析及例句 collateral ligament


collateral ligament 侧韧带


Objective To study normal and injured medial collateral ligament (MCL) manifestations on MRI.


Objective To study surgical therapy of the serious medial collateral ligament ruptures of the knee.


This would be the next step in Bynum's return from a torn medial collateral ligament in his right knee.


Objective To study the diagnosis and treatment of the acute medial collateral ligament ruptures of the knee.


Results : The fibular collateral ligament and the arcuate ligament can be better displayed in coronal planes.


Objective: To study the elbow MRI examining method and the feature of MRI signs of elbow collateral ligament.


To open the joint posteriorly make an incision through the capsule posterior to the tibial collateral ligament.


Objective: to investigate the gross anatomic and histological properties of the ulnar collateral ligament of the wrist.


Objective to probe into therapeutic action of opposing needling on acute ankle joint lateral collateral ligament injury.


Objective To investigate the effect of the PCL rupture on the biomechanics of the biomechanics of lateral collateral ligament.


Objective To evaluate the pathological findings and clinical significance of the medial collateral ligament injury of the elbow.


Injury to the ulnar collateral ligament of the metacarpophalangeal joint trips off the tongue more agreeably as gamekeeper's thumb.


Objective To investigate the effect of transposition of semitendinosus tendon in repairing the injury of medial collateral ligament of knee joint.


Objective To investigate the effect of transposition of semitendinosus tendon in repairing the injury of medial collateral ligament of knee joint.


Conclusion ligament reconstruction was better than ligament repair in the treatment of rupture of collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint.


Results Out of 46 cases were found patellar fracture with high-frequency ultrasound, which combined collateral ligament and meniscus injury were 28 cases.


Operative excision of the calcification and treatment of the chronic tear in the medial collateral ligament can be considered for more severe cases75, 76.


Objective To discuss and evaluate the clinical results of reefing for treatment the serious medial collateral ligament ruptures of the knee under arthroscope.


Objective: to provide anatomy data for the transposition of vascularized flap of magnus adductor muscle tendon to repair the defected tibial collateral ligament.


Early operative treatment of combined anterior cruciate and medial collateral ligament injuries is possible without increased long-term mobilization complications.


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