大学英语词汇短语释义解析及例句 time and time again

大学英语词汇短语释义解析及例句 time and time again


time and time again 一次又一次;多次,不断地


He's also told me time and time again he wished he'd studied for some profession instead of going into business.


The Numbers have been confirmed time and time again.


We see the same patterns with our clients, time and time again.


They have the same groomed swing that they repeat time and time again.


The story has played itself out time and time again over the past 30 years.


By following that principle I have gotten lucky with changes time and time again.


These are but a few of the many errors traders perpetuate upon themselves time and time again.


Allowing this to happen time and time again will slow your metabolism down, down, d-o-w-n ..。


The conditions are ripe for outbreaks of dengue to ravage parts of this region time and time again.


Time and time again, I hear, "I wish my boss would tell Nancy that this is just unacceptable."


The stories I could tell you. Time and time again, how your knives have pulled my ass out of the fire.


Time and time again, panic turns a bad situation, or even a mild inconvenience, into a real catastrophe.


You are enthusiastically 9 fond of traveling, however, you get lost time and time again in the city.


But time and time again research shows, and people confirm, that there is a pattern to who and how we love.


In fact, less than a quarter are successful on their first attempt, and many are denied time and time again.


The study concludes that humans are creatures of habit, mostly visiting the same few spots time and time again.


We have tried that strategy time and time again, and it's only helped lead us to the crisis we face right now.


These were workhorses, hurled aloft by rockets but landing like aeroplanes so they could be used time and time again.


Research has shown that, time and time again, money doesn’t really buy you happiness (even though most of us thinks it does).

研究多次表明,钱并不能真正给你带来快乐。 (即使我们大多数人都认为钱能给我们带了快乐。)

I've gone over everything in my head time and time again and I can't shake the feeling that, somehow, everything got mixed up.


Over the past few weeks, this fact has been reported time and time again by analysts, bloggers, and even mainstream media.


I'm a huge fan of dreaming and thinking big, but time and time again, acting small is how you manifest those dreams and thoughts.


The only data point offered is one I've seen time and time again- the number of therapists who sign up to offer this kind of service.


What is more, it doesn't seem to matter how many times an area is damaged – it can be tricked into repairing itself time and time again.


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