New Christian Fiction Book, "Death of a Seer", Based on Author's Own Life & 6th Sense Experience

ATLANTA - Jan. 28, 2021 - After years of journaling and her effort to find understanding and support about her personal "6th sense" spiritual gift, emerging Author, Alisha Davis, turns her own spiritual journey into the Christian fiction book, "Death of A Seer". The book is a story that shows how the gift of the spiritual realm is developed and passed down through generations. Filled with mystery and sprinkled with the Author's true personal experiences, the main character, Savanna, learns that her recently deceased mother had been keeping secrets that force her to deal with spiritual realm realities, her loss, and her drug-addicted aunt. The book and eBook will be available on January 31 on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other major digital outlets with audio version coming soon.

Davis began to see in the spiritual realm at a very early age and searched for someone to explain more about the angelic and demonic beings she saw. With little to no support, she found that this was a unique gift, unfamiliar to most. After writing about her experiences, she realized she had actually written her own autobiography; but with no publishing interest it was shelved for 10 years until she transformed it into a Christian Fiction book.

Davis, stands strong on God's favor in her life after surviving a near fatal car crash and defying a death prognosis from a very destructive autoimmune disease. She states, "God had promised me too many things for me to die, so I am using my gifts for His Glory". This also influenced the name for her new publishing company, 4HG Books, which was formed after being unable to find an interested publisher. In addition to Death of a Seer, Davis has already published two children's books, "JoJo's Big Job" and "JoJo's First Day" based on the author's grandsons, with a third one in the works. Death of a Seer is part one of a forthcoming three part series. Davis also plans for "4HG Books" to serve as a publishing house for other Authors. For interview requests or more information please contact Tonya Hawley at

The KAMDI Group
Tonya Hawley

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