Free $15,00 Home Down Payment from Democrats is a Lie

ATLANTA - Oct. 12, 2020 - The democrats are offering more free stuff in the presidential election and it is a lie. Once again, they are deceiving you just to get your vote.

Democrats are offering is $15,000 cash to buy a home. When Biden and Harris speak about this, it's exactly what they say.

Watch and listen to the adds, The audible, clearly says $15,000 for buying a home. They make it sound like you are going to get $15,000 to buy a house.

Ignore the guy and audible, look in the background at the banner, it clearly says, $15,000 tax credit. The word tax credit is in small letters.

Democrats are lying, they aren't giving you $15,000 to buy a home. A tax credit is completely different than getting $15,000 in cash. You can't use a tax credit as a down payment. You can't use it when you are buying a house. You don't get the money upfront, you can't use it as a down payment.

Tax credits work like this. At the end of the year, you get apply it toward your taxes. Which is not actually worth $15.000 Depending on your income and the amount of taxes you paid, it will be itemized off and its value in not actually worth the $15,000. In some cases you may not get any money at all, because its most likely based off income levels.

Bottom line is, it does not help you to buy a home. You can't use it at the time of the purchase. You will still need to have the money for a down payment out of your own pocket.

Once again, the democrats along with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are misleading you to get your vote. By now you should know that you can't trust these people.

The bottom line is this is just another ploy by the democrats to offer you something for free to get your vote and they will mislead to get that vote.

​How about the student loan payoff offer for $10,000

Wonder what they're hiding on their student loan offer. Willing to bet, it's based off income levels. If you or your parents made too much money. You will not get dime toward your student loan debt..

The bottom line is, they mislead you and make it sound great, but its not. As we stated before, they are misleading you to get your vote.

For the democrats to do this, just to get votes, is downright despicable and should show you what kind of characters they really are.

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