HOPEFEST 360° Announced as Epic Worldwide Event Amplifying the Voices of Ordinary People

TAMPA, Fla. - Sept. 28, 2020 - BIZCATALYST 360° and 360° NATION have joined forces with over 6 dozen voices from around the world to lift you up with their positive messages of hope and healing for the new year. This Epic (free) virtual Event will be broadcast from sunrise to sunset on New Year's Day 2021. Here's your opportunity to join our global community as together, we imagine the possibilities.

Dennis J. Pitocco, BC360° Publisher & Editor-in-Chief, said, "The future holds the promise of a new beginning. Together as a force for good, we are here to make a positive impact as we begin to mold a new earth. We hold the magic — the magic-fairy sparkle-dust — that is so desperately needed right now to move out of transition into transformation. It is time for us all to shine so that others may draw hope, strength, and courage from our light, and learn to let their own light shine as a beacon of hope and healing"

About HOPEFEST 360°
Reserve your free ticket(s) now to join our ultimate wave across the universe as we broadcast on YouTube across all time zones from sunrise to sunset on New Years Day.

VISIT https://www.bizcatalyst360.com/hopefest-360/

BIZCATALYST 360˚ is an Award-Winning life, culture, and biz new media digest, serving as not just another website, but rather as a hub of creative expression and personal growth designed with and for our writers and our community. With an emphasis on action, our 700+ global contributors empower people to transition from knowing what to do to actually doing it —all complemented by syndication relationships with a choice group of equally innovative media outlets. Today and every day, we simply deliver the very best insights, intelligence, and inspiration available anywhere —doing it our way by placing our writers and our audience at the forefront. It's magical. It's evergreen. And quite frankly, it's just good stuff. Period.

VISIT https://www.bizcatalyst360.com/

Dennis J. Pitocco, Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

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