How to fix Netwtw04.sys error in Windows 10

This post will help you if you receive Netwtw04.sys blue screen error in Windows 10. System files or .sys files are the essential part of the Windows operating system. It is a repository of system driver settings used by Windows system to communicate with the connected hardware and devices. System files are necessary for the normal functioning of the operating system. Many Windows users are facing the Window Blue Screen of Death error during the app launch or while disconnecting the external devices from the system.

Netwtw04.sys Blue Screen Error

You are here because you are experiencing the Netwtw04.sys BSOD error in Windows 10.

You may encounter two Netwtw04.sys stop errors:


It means that a kernel-mode driver is trying to access too high pageable memory at a process IRQL.


It indicates that this error may be caused by the driver being incompatible with the operating system.

However, the Netwtw04.sys failed error may occur because of several reasons such as malicious programs, outdated/bad drivers, damaged Windows registry and more.

To Fix Netwtw04.sys BSOD Error

Some Windows users reported that they have managed to fix Windows 10 error Netwtw04.sys via restarting their PCs. Thus, you can simply try to restart your PC after you get this error and then check if the error is solved successfully.

If the Netwtw04.sys error still exists, right now, you can keep reading to get the full fixes for this error.

Fix 1: Run a Full System Scan

If there are viruses and malware on your PC and your system file are infected, the netwtw04.sys error may occur.

Thus, you can try to run a full system scan on your PC to fix this error.

You can do this job using Windows’ built-in antivirus - Windows Defender or any third-party antivirus. Here is a quick guide on how to run a full system scan with Windows Defender.

Step 1: Firstly, press the Win key + I key together to open the Windows Settings window.

Step 2: Click the Update & Security section and then click the Windows Defender option on the left from the new pop-up window.

Step 3: Click the Open Windows Defender Security Center button from the right side.

Step 4: In the new pop-up window, click Virus & threat protection.

Step 5: Next, click Advanced scan next to the Quick scan button.

Step 6: Check Full scan and then click Scan now. Windows Defender will start to scan your computer and report any findings to you.


After the scan to complete, remove every possible virus corruption. Next, check if the Netwtw04.sys failed error has left your PC. If the error persists, now move down to the next method below.

Fix 2: Temporarily Disable Your Third-party Antivirus

Sometimes, the Netwtw04.sys BSOD error may also appear because of some antivirus programs. Therefore, you can try to temporarily disable your antivirus or firewall to solve this BSOD error.

Some antivirus programs have the “temporarily disable protection” option and you can directly use it. However, other antivirus programs don’t have this option.

In the end, you can try to uninstall your Antivirus programs which are causing the Netwtw04.sys error. Then remove these antivirus programs and try alternatives with excellent performance like Malwarebytes and Bitdefender.

After you temporarily disable your antivirus or firewall or uninstall the antivirus programs which are causing the issue, check if the Windows 10 BSOD error Netwtw04.sys is solved.

Fix 3: Update Network Adapter Driver

If you are using the wrong or out of date network driver, the Netwtw04.sys BSOD error may happen. Hence, you need to update your network driver to fix your problem.

There are 2 available ways to update your network driver. You can automatically update it or download the driver manually from the manufacturer’s website and install it on your computer.

Fix 4: Roll Back Network Adapter Driver

Most of the time, the Netwtw04.sys error arises due to network adapter driver issues. Hence, you can try to roll back your network adapter driver to fix this problem. Here are the steps to do that.

Fix 5: Run an SFC Scan to Repair Your PC Registry

Your Windows registry will be damaged because of corrupted system files, then the Netwtw04.sys error may occur. Hence, you can use System File Checker (SFC) to check for system file corruption. Here’s how to run an SFC scan.

Fix 6: Run the DISM Commands

If the Netwtw04.sys BSOD error appears due to corruption and misconfigurations on your computer, you can try to run the DISM commands.

Apart from the mentioned methods above, there are more ways that you can use, including

Run CHKDSK in File Explorer

Install the Latest Windows Updates

Run the Blue Screen Troubleshooter

Run a System Restore

Protect Your PC by Creating a System Image

In order to avoid a similar problem with your system in the future, here is a useful suggestion for you: protect your PC by creating a system image. If the BSOD error occurs again, you can perform quick disaster recovery with the created system image.

So how to create a system image? A piece of free backup software - MiniTool ShadowMaker will be your good assistant. It can help you back up files, folders, partitions, the hard drive or your Windows OS.

More features are waiting to be discovered. Now, free download MiniTool ShadowMaker Trial. You can use the Trial Edition for 30 days for all backup features. To use MiniTool ShadowMaker permanently, upgrade it to Pro Edition.


Now, you should have solved the Netwtw04.sys error. At the same time, you should know clearly how to create a system image with our powerful backup program -MiniTool ShadowMaker.

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