How to make dull Vinyl floors look like brand new

PASADENA, Calif. -- Linoleum and vinyl are two different types of flooring. It's important to understand their make-up before choosing the best cleaning method. Linoleum is 100% natural made of wood sap, linseed oil, wood flour, cork dust, and minerals such as calcium carbonate on a burlap or canvas back. In addition to it being a natural product, the ingredients in linoleum create a natural antiseptic environment which would discourage mould growth.

Vinyl, on the other hand is not a natural substance but is a synthetic man-made material. It is a type of plastic that is made from ethylene (found in crude oil) and chlorine (found in regular salt). When processed, both the substances are combined to form Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) resin, or as is commonly referred to - Vinyl. Vinyl hit in the early to mid 20th century, and it overtook linoleum for a few main reasons. One is that vinyl was fire retardant. It was easier to maintain, and also had more versatility of design (then, not as much now), but the big one was obviously the price, especially in the post-war housing boom.

Both vinyl and linoleum are smooth, water resistant to a high degree and can be polished to virtually a mirror-like finish. Care must be taken, however, to protect the surface when brand new and first installed, because once the surface finish becomes scuffed and worn by foot traffic it becomes progressively more difficult to maintain a highly polished finish. If the wear is bad enough, it can prove to be virtually impossible. Therefore, it's essential to start maintaining the floor surface from the moment it's laid and that's the procedure we're going to talk about now.

Vinyl & Lino are types of plastic floor covering, mostly used in areas such as shopping centres, nursing homes, kitchen & laundry rooms, just to name a few. A lot of peeple will choose to use vinyl in high traffic areas because it is an easy flooring to maintain.

Although polishing of vinyl and linoleum floors is not that hard, there are many small things you need to think of and allow in order to achieve the perfect results. Sometimes, letting a professional handle it for you can save you a lot of time, effort and money if not done correctly.

Tools, Equipment and Cleaning Supplies
For general cleaning, a soft broom or suction-only vacuuming is required. A mop, bucket and mild soap formulated for vinyl and linoleum flooring is next.
For stripping off old polish from a linoleum floor, you’ll need stripper and water, a bristled brush or nylon scrubbing tool. Be gentle. Do areas 4’x4’ to 6’x6’ at a time. You don’t want stripper drying on the linoleum flooring. If it does, use a mop with water only to re-wet it. When the polish has been stripped, mop the entire floor with fresh, warm water and allow it to dry completely before adding new polish.

Replacing Your Flooring
Vinyl flooring will last 5-15 years depending on its quality and the amount of traffic it receives. How well you care for your flooring will make a difference too. Linoleum can last 10-25 years. Its greater durability is due in large part to the protective polish which can be removed and reapplied. It’s like replacing the clear wear layer of the flooring. You’ll know it is time to replace your vinyl and linoleum flooring when it just doesn’t look good any more. It’s that simple.

vinyl floor cleaning services in Pasadena, CA

vinyl floor cleaning services

linoleum floor cleaning services in Pasadena, CA

linoleum floor cleaning services

vinyl and linoleum floor cleaning company

  • Issue by:LifeStyle Cleaning Co.
  • Web:http://
  • City:Pasadena - California - United States
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