Fitness Quest Bootcamp announces their 2016 6-week Summer Fitness Challenge

Fitness Quest Bootcamp has announced the official launch date of its upcoming 6-week Summer Fitness Challenge, June 2nd to July 14th, 2016. Rumors are already starting to circulate among observers and die-hard fans within the fitness world as the date for the 6-week Summer Fitness Challenge draws near. Fitness Quest Bootcamp is including three things athletes of all levels can expect from the 2016 6-Week Summer Fitness Challenge.

The first thing both new and experienced athletes alike should expect is a big improvement in their nutrition and fitness regimen. Fitness Quest Bootcamp makes this happen by providing a method of accountability for developing a routine of both shopping for and perparing healthful foods, and making regular work-outs a way of life.

The owners of Fitness Quest Bootcamp, Dan Foster and Amber Brewer put a tremendous amount of value on overall well-being through fitness and nutrition.

Fitness Quest Bootcamp is announcing the Challenge on their website and in their newsletter, as well as word of mouth through existing clients. It is the hope of Fitness Quest Bootcamp to help more people achieve their lifetime fitness goals.

As Amber, a Certified Personal Trainer, likes to say, " Fitness is a journey, not a destination."

Also, for all die hard fans of fitness and good health, they'll be interested to know what went into the creation of the 6-week Summer Fitness Challenge program. The Challenge has been in development for 9 months, since the inception of Fitness Quest Bootcamp by Dan and Amber here in Sacramento, working together to put together from start to finish, a fitness 'concept' that includes every aspect of healthy living that is not only challenging, but fun and enormously rewarding.

For further information about Fitness Quest Bootcamp and the new 2016 6-week Summer Fitness Challenge, it can all be discovered at

  • Issue by:Dan Foster Fitness Quest Bootcamp
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  • City:Sacramento
  • Country/region:USA
  • Telephone:916.261.2629
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