Halden Zimmermann Announces New Review of Aquarium Depot’s Zoanthid Selection

Halden Zimmermann has announced the release of a new review focusing on the products and services offered by Aquarium Depot, an online retailer specializing in saltwater reef tank inhabitants. [Halden Zimmermann's latest review](http://saseahorse.com/halden-zimmermann-reviews-aquarium-depots-selection-of-zoanthids/), which is now posted, focuses on Zoanthids, a type of soft coral offered by the company through its online platform.

Zimmermann, a longtime expert in all aspects of saltwater reef tank maintenance, noted that he has made relatively frequent use of Aquarium Depot's online platform in the past but never previously ordered any of the Zoanthids the company offers. In need of corals for three different tanks, Zimmermann evaluated several different kinds of Zoanthids and examined the many reasons why the corals represent a solid addition to any saltwater tank.

€œBy publishing this review, it was my goal to evaluate the products and services of Aquarium Depot while also sharing the countless benefits of adding Zoanthids to an aquarium," said Zimmermann. €œThe [bright colors of the Zoanthids](http://www.aquariumdepot.com/corals/soft-coral/zoanthids/) are often the first thing that friends notice, and Aquarium Depot's selection included some of the very brightest corals I have seen in quite some time."

Zimmermann went on to note that Aquarium Depot provides the kind of information that aspiring saltwater tank enthusiasts will find incredibly useful. With regard to Zoanthids, Zimmermann evaluated the manner in which the company provides detailed background information about each individual coral as well as the most ideal tank conditions in which each coral is most likely to thrive.

€œFreshwater aquarists often express a feeling of trepidation when it comes to setting up and maintaining a saltwater tank, but having access to the kind of in-depth overviews provided on Aquarium Depot's web platform should reduce any worry by a significant degree," said Zimmermann. €œThe care instructions are straightforward and make it quite simple for any beginner to get started with the beautiful and bright corals that are part and parcel to any saltwater fish tank.

About Halden Zimmermann

Halden Zimmermann is a longtime saltwater tank expert and often shares his insight on best practices for aquarium care and maintenance. Zimmermann's area of expertise is in corals, with Zoanthids representing a personal favorite of the saltwater aquarium expert.

  • Issue by:Christina Duncan Aquarium Depot
  • Web:http://www.aquariumdepot.com/
  • Street:N/A
  • City:Clearwater, Florida
  • Country/region:United States
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