​New Research Exposes Link Betweem Cultural Diet and Coronary Heart Disease

The Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle Summit recently met in Istanbul Turkey to discuss specifics of how and why nutritional habits have changed and to raise awareness of the past, present and future of nutrition. The summit -- attended by world-renowned scientists, industry leaders, government representatives, and non-governmental organizations €“ analyzed global best practices in an effort to influence a positive attitude and modernize global viewpoints toward nutrition.

Professor Walter Willett, Director of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard University, is among the top five most cited nutritional experts in the world. Willett addressed the summit to highlight the remarkable findings of the latest study, which links poor nutrition to increased health risks.

The research, conducted by Ansel Keyes and his team, studied 1,000 men from 14 areas in seven different countries -- focusing on their diet for 10 years €“ in an effort to find a link between nutrition and coronary heart disease. Findings documented a remarkably high €œ20-fold" difference of coronary heart disease. €œNorthern Europe, especially East Finland, which at that time had the highest rates down to Crete and some Japanese villages €“ the Mediterranean countries that were studied along with Crete with the very low rates of heart disease, and in Northern Europe and the United States the rates were far higher."

The findings lead to more questions about why the huge variation exists, noting, for example, the strong evidence linking heart disease with saturated dietary fat -- yet the study did not conclude that saturated fat is the determining factor. €œWe do see a very important reduction in coronary heart disease risk with higher fruits and vegetables in the diet €“ for multiple reasons €“ there's much greater intake of potassium, antioxidants, folic acid, many other factors in fruits and vegetables are quite important in reducing risk of cardiovascular disease", added Willett.

Willett discussed the multi-faceted influences of family, coworkers, friends, and physical activity that affect lifestyle €“ as well as how restaurants, stores, schools, economy, advertising and policy affect what people eat, as well as individual habits and behaviors that affect dietary choices and directly correspond with long-term health and wellbeing.

Biomazing Remedies, a global authority on health and wellness, recognizes the importance of science based research that helps people make informed decisions about nutritional choices. Please visit http://www.biomazingremedies.com/diet-and-heart-disease to learn more about the correlation between nutrition and health.

  • Issue by:Trey Jones Biomazing Remedies
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