Build Togetherness In Your Community Despite The Pandemic Wi

Are you tired of watching people take Covid-19 for granted? Do you wish there was a way to encourage people to prioritize safety? If you answered yes to any of these questions then this video series guide is for you!Blue Sky Media has recently launched the first episode of a video series guide to building unity, inspiring togetherness, and healing in the United States of America. The video is called Numbers To Names, and it aims to encourage you to take a stand against divisive thoughts and actions in their communities regarding Covid-19.Go to for more info!The newly released video guide comes as a result of the effects of Covid-19 in America. The guide highlights the Covid-19 statistics and aims to inspire Americans to take greater caution as they navigate 2021.In the guide, the narrator Abraham I Am seeks to broaden your perspective. He notes that Covid-19 has had far-reaching effects on the economy. He also adds that it has had a greater effect on the emotional state of society.He encourages you to not see the statistics as numbers but as the names of people who used to contribute to society. He advises you to not see the current state of the economy as an inconvenience but to appreciate the life you have.Abraham I Am aims to build a digital memorial of all the people that died due to Covid-19. He believes that doing this will have a greater impact on the American public and encourage them to take the precautions needed to be safe. Additionally, Abraham I Am seeks to use the digital memorial wall as a tool to increase the respect and compassion of civilians for medical personnel. The memorial also seeks to pay respect to those of you that have lost family members to Covid-19.In addition to the guide, Blue Sky Media has a clothing line called We Need A Victory. The line features unisex T-shirts, hoodies and sweatshirts, long-sleeved tees, face masks, and stickers.The line aims to provide an avenue for you to support the newly launched video guide series. Abraham I Am seeks to empower viewers of the guide to respond to each other with respect and compassion. He believes that the digital memorial is an important step to help America heal from Covid-19.You can click on the link above for more info!

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