Get Expert and User Curated Routes for Safe Cycling from thi

Looking for a new way to engage with your community, get fit, and make new friends? Visit the Hubster website and download the app for a one-of-a-kind experience.Hubster, a bike-centric community application, launched its new website and app for Android and iPhone. The app provides users access to a variety of bike centered services and community cycling information.Go to for more information.The latest launch focuses on the many features that the Hubster app offers. The app serves to help facilitate healthier lifestyles and promotes bike riding in its target areas through useful services such as curated routes, organized rides, and roadside assistance. The app's initial launch will be based in the Los Angeles area, and will eventually expand throughout California.The Hubster app provides you with unique, curated bicycling routes. These routes are developed based on data from the Los Angeles Department of Transportation, as well as road information provided by users.Routes can be categorized and selected based on several criteria. These criteria include skill level (beginner, intermediate or advanced rider), ride type (scenic or quickest), or user-generated versus city generated routes.Similar to driving apps, Hubster provides real-time route information, alerting you about current road conditions and warning you about delays and potential hazards.Hubster also provides you with community ride information, such as local events and biking group meetings. It also includes curated routes created by users, as well as “theme” rides, such as the “I Scream You Scream” ice cream ride.Local businesses can utilize Hubster as well by becoming part of the Hubster Network. In doing so, businesses can promote their business on the app, potentially increasing customer traffic to their location. Businesses are also able to contribute to route creation with the help of Hubster’s cycling experts.Other services offered by Hubster include road repair services, where users can report road damage. Hubster maintains a fund dedicated to supporting road repair and utilizes user data to drive change. The app also provides roadside assistance services for users, helping users with flats, chain repair, and more on the road.Hubster was created to help people rediscover their communities, support local businesses, meet new people, and become more active. The company believes that with the increase in isolated and sedentary lifestyles, it is important for people to have a tool that helps them reconnect with their community. Hubster promotes active, bike-centric lifestyles.A representative from the company said: “It’s a proven fact that physical activity releases endorphins and improves our emotional and mental state, resulting in happier and healthier interactions with ourselves and each other. This is more true now than it has ever been. Let’s all do what we can to take care of ourselves and our communities by getting on a bike, getting outside, and supporting each other and local business.”The Hubster app offers a new way for you to get out and get engaged with your community. Whether you are a bike rider or a local business, the Hubster app has something for you!Ready to find your next favorite app? Click on the link above to find out more!

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